
TerraGenesis - Space Settlers instal the last version for iphone
TerraGenesis - Space Settlers instal the last version for iphone

I didn’t realize this in the beginning and turned Mars into a gas giant. This game requires you to be punctual if you don’t want to spend a lot of time undoing what you should have cams back for earlier to stabilize. And then coming back later to see that as the greenery thickened, it grew darker as well was pleasing. I was mesmerized, watching it start from the shorelines and spread inland. After working for days to set up Mars for sustainable human life, I saw greenery spreading for the first time. If you’re someone who really loves watching progress happen in simulation games, then this is probably one of the most satisfying games you’ll play. It’s that good a game when it plays right If it goes back to normal I will probably wind up purchasing a package. I was actually going to buy one of their packages but decided to wait after this earth catastrophe. If you judge this game on the first few planets I played it is an amazing game.

TerraGenesis - Space Settlers instal the last version for iphone

But when the game just erases things built and people for no apparent reason it’s frustrating. You have to be able to do math and figure out actions and counter actions.

TerraGenesis - Space Settlers instal the last version for iphone

Lol Was really enjoying this game until this happened.

TerraGenesis - Space Settlers instal the last version for iphone

My next culture point is at 4 billion so I’ll be waiting a while. So now I’ve been waiting for the population to build back up. Next day it said they were lost to rising waters but that was impossible since the water had actually gone down a couple of hundred.

TerraGenesis - Space Settlers instal the last version for iphone

So I built the thing that causes minus 4 water and built more mines. So I checked all the stats and everything was still perfect with oxygen,water, etc. Got up next morning and my mines were lost to rising seas and all the inhabitants were gone. When I started earth it was already inhabited and everything was where it was supposed to be with oxygen, etc. I finished a few planets and then it was time to do earth.

TerraGenesis - Space Settlers instal the last version for iphone