Developer Sledgehammer Games spent three years making this game into the title you're about to see, and you will see that the time it took to make it was totally worth it. What is the future of warfare? Well, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare seeks to answer that question in grand style. This is more than just your regular multiplayer, this is Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare multiplayer. You'll be able to use your exosuits in maps to add a whole new depth to the experience. And of course, the multiplayer that helped defined the genre is back in new and classic ways. This isn't your typical Call of Duty story. To add to the fun and grandness, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare brings in Kevin Spacey to help lead a story about military power and the politics that rule the world, and delivers some very cool twists along the way. With these new firearms you'll be able to do more, shoot better, and truly reap the rewards of a future laced with technology. Plus, naturally, with the future of warfare comes the future of weaponry outside of your exosuit. You'll be able to jump higher, run faster, and do things on a battlefield you never thought you could on your own, and yet, you'll be able to do it with the push of a button. Soldiers can now be outfitted with exosuits that make them a unique threat on the battlefield.

For in this future of warfare, man isn't just man anymore.